Plumbing & Heating Services Business Located in West Central Wisconsin. Asking Only $580k for the Business. Real Estate Asking Price is $180k. Only $82,300 Down with SBA Financing for a Well-Qualified Buyer.
Wisconsin | Listing ID: 54753
Revenue: $1,123,293
Cash Flow: $207,497
Business Price: $580,000
Down Payment: $82,300
• Family owned and operated 30+ year old plumbing and heating company. Generated over $1.1M in revenue and over $207k in cash flow in 2023.
• Well-established customer base, with many recurring customers within residential, industrial, and commercial spaces.
• Employees include skilled tradesmen and Journeymen.
• The Seller holds a Master Plumber, HVAC Qualifier, and HVAC Contractor licenses, which are available to transfer to a new owner.
• Asking price of $580,000 for the business and $180,000 for the Real...